PinnedSolidity Encode and Decode (Easy)This article provides insights into encoding/decoding rules and demonstrates how to use Solidity to encode and decode data that needs to be…May 31, 202313May 31, 202313
PinnedLearn FoundryLearn Foundry Test in Solidity Codes Learn Basic FoundryMay 5, 202318May 5, 202318
Call the variable or function from other contractWe try to call other contract function(or variable) from our contract. We learn all the concept about this issue. Firstly you need to learn…May 30, 20236May 30, 20236
Foundry AssertsFoundry asserts statements are assertEq, assertLt, assertLe, assertGt, assertGe, assertEqDecimal and assertTrue.May 5, 202310May 5, 202310
Learn YUL IIIn Solidity, the shl and shr commands have the same meaning as in the Yul language. These operators are used to shift the bits of a binary…Apr 10, 20237Apr 10, 20237
Learn YUL IWe write “VivaMexicoCabrones” to the memory space with our opcodes and Yul codes.Apr 7, 20231Apr 7, 20231
Learn EVM Opcodes XIMapping storage in solidity ! To get slot index of the mapping’s value under it is given the key.Apr 6, 20231Apr 6, 20231
Learn EVM Opcodes XWe focus on the relationship among SLOAD opcode and YUL’s offset and slot codes. We will learn how to use the Sload opcode and YUL’s offset…Mar 20, 2023Mar 20, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes IXWe focus on SLOAD Opcode and how the storage works in EVM.Mar 17, 2023Mar 17, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes VIWe start this section with memory, one of the most important databases of EVM. I try to explain how MSTORE opcode is working.Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes VSHA3, CALLDATA, CALLDATALOAD, CALLVALUE, CODESIZE and GASLIMIT new opcodes. Today, in the fifth lesson of our series, as you can guess, we…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes IVWe are continuing to progress in opcode business. In this lesson you will learn many new opcodes. These are MOD, EXP, LT,GT, EQ, ISZERO…Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes VIIWe dealt with MSTORE8, MLOAD and Return opcodes in this lesson.Mar 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023
Learn EVM Opcodes VIIITime to learn the bytecode introduction block of the all solidity contracts. What is the mystery behind this fucking 3 opcodes ?Mar 13, 20231Mar 13, 20231
Learn EVM Opcodes IIIWe will perform various manipulations on the largest number on the EVM. Thanks to this study, you will better understand the working…Mar 10, 20231Mar 10, 20231
Learn EVM Opcodes IIIt’s time to learn what the basic opcodes are. If you learn these opcodes, you can dominate the long bytecode sequences. You would like to…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
EVM Opcodes IWould you like to learn what bytecode and opcode are ? Welcome ! If you want to improve yourself in the field of security in Solidity…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023