We have one turkish crypto exchange market’s AVAX address.
We have 2 different tools:
Avalanche has tool, is named graphql avascan, but it is really bad. Please dont use.
We have analysed 939 transactions and these are details. Attention 939 transactions. New transactions are added to the system.
There are 2 different transactions, first one is “received”, what does it mean ?
Other parties send AVAX to the this crypto exchange market.
One person sends 2.637+103 AVAX to the crypto exchange market.
Second one is “sent”, what does it mean ?
This crypto exchange market sends AVAX to the one person.
You look be careful. Crypto exchange market has 4.238 AVAX, 1.31 of this AVAX is sent to person and 4.236 AVAX return to Crypto exchange market. this amount is called remained output !
This company received 0.99 AVAX, 1,99 AVAX and 6.91 AVAX in the first 3 transactions.
[First sending transaction]:Company then used “1,99 AVAX” for sending “1 AVAX” and remains 0.99 AVAX . Attention, this amount(0.99 AVAX)is locked as UTXO (Unspent). This is UTXO list.
We can see same UTXO from Transaction section;
Trick is that every sent transaction does not remain as UTXO, could be used new sendings.
For example;
Sending transaction;
Company sent 6.91 + 0.99 AVAX and remains 0.99 AVAX.
Received transaction:
Company received 2.55 AVAX.
Sending transaction;
Company used the remained 0.99 AVAX and received 2.55 AVAX.
Conclusion; company could spent its receiving avax or not.
This is my file.
Avalanche explorer says for 939 transactions
My result for 939 transactions are as follows
Balance is calculated from 2 different ways.
1- You can basically add all utxo amounts in adress because these are not spent.
2- You can calculate all remained outputs in sending transactions.
remained outputs+net sending =Sent
remained outputs + received = Received
Received-Sent= Balance
This company has 257.020 AVAX holding
Dr. Engin YILMAZ
https://explorerapi.avax.network/v2/ use this address with the following queries