How to mint PGL ?
Apr 26, 2021
Total Supply of PGL for this pool is 2,300,486.268 (2.3 million)
We go to WAVAX-PNG Pool.
Total WAVAX amount is 731,243.662 * 2=1,462,487 WAVAX
We choose the following transaction. User sends 1,225.65 PNG and 98,92 WAVAX to the pool and Pangolin sends 311,025 PGL to the user
Total Added WAVAX amount of user is 98,92 * 2 =197,84 WAVAX
PGL =(User Added WAVAX Amount / Total Pool WAVAX Amount)* Total PGL Supply
=(197,84 / 1,462,487) * 2,300,486
PGL amount is 311