Proxy in Solidity II

Solidity Programming Language
3 min readFeb 17, 2022




Thank you GrandZero

My short code is the above

1- Deploy “LogicContract”

2- Deploy the “Proxy”

3- Copy the address of the “LogicContract” and paste this address to the setProxyAddr in “Proxy”

4- Take the the address of “Proxy”

5-Choose the “LogicContract” and paste this address to the At Address section. Click the “At Address” button.

6- We have a new contract. You use “changeUint” function in the last contract and you can control “number” variable in proxy contract.

More compact version

If we update “LogicContract”, what will happen

1- COMPILE and DEPLOY new contract .Remember also we have 3 contract.

2-Now we have 4 contracts. New contract is updated in changeUnit function.

3-Please copy the adress of new contract(4)

4-Go to the Proxy contract(2)

5- Paste this address to the setProxyAddr in “Proxy”

6- This is çokomelli !

You use “changeUint” function in the third contract(NOT LAST CONTRACT)and you can control “number” variable in proxy contract.

Thanks to Grandzero



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